I could write several pages about all the great experiences I’ve had here in Nepal during the last two months. What an amazing country! The first five weeks in Torikhet were a great experience with all the nice children at the library and Amaa’s daal bhat.
One thing I learnt was that children – and people in general – are the same where ever you go… that really is true. Staying two weeks in Godawari was just as great an experience. The hospitality of that family was overwhelming, and I had so much fun with my four new sisters. It was really difficult saying goodbye because they became my friends as well. When I come back to Nepal again that will be the first place I go.
Thanks to everyone for being so nice to me and thank you Bicky for the work you do here. I wish there were more people like you and fewer big companies earning a lot of money through volunteer tourism. I’m going to miss this place and all of you so much. I hope to come back soon! So here is a list of things I learnt in Nepal: I really love daal bhat, I do prefer western-style toilets, never again shall I complain about holes in Danish roads, I could spend my whole life trekking in the Himalayas, it is always fun listening to foreigners trying to say “rød grød med fløde” (French people are really good at it), and a whole lot more!
Peace, love and good karma.
Jesper Nørskev, Denmark