The people make the place

I’m sure you’ve read the same things a million times but I honestly can’t thank everyone at VCD enough. Bicky, you are truly inspiring and a great motivation for what the world needs. It makes me happy to know that in this evil world there are still people like you, who believe in changing what’s wrong step by step. Everything I believe in has been reinforced because of you.

 Thank you so much for being so accommodating and friendly. It has been great fun travelling with you, Prakash and other volunteers. This journey has gone by really fast but has been very productive (except for the difficult drive but it’s okay). I felt like I had just got here when I suddenly had to leave again. Some of the best moments were when Smit was crying in the waterfall (Smit, if you’re reading this that adventure was fantastic!); you and Prakash trying to find your way down the waterfall; when Lucy wanted to make the big momo and nobody would eat it; when Bicky was telling me his life story (thanks for opening up, I felt really special); when I caught fireflies in Chitwan; the food Bicky’s mom made; and, of course, Prakash’s awesome cooking skills. I thought all the adventure and fun I had in Nepal was absolutely amazing (trekking, paragliding, rafting etc). Nothing seems to beat the memories and the small moments I had with the VCD members. The people always make the place. I’m eternally grateful to have met you all. You made me feel at home. 

Thank you for the best six weeks possible. I am going to miss you all so much but I’ll hopefully be back really soon! I also hope that I managed to impact VCD and I wish you all the best Bicky. What you started is great and I’m so glad that you’re the one who started all these projects because you’re the most motivated, driven and genuine person I have ever met. Bishal, I hope everything turns out fine with your travels. Prakash, need I really say more? You already know how I feel. 

Thank you so much for everything!

Joey Chu, USA

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