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Research Opportunities in Nepal

Trip Overview

If you are pursuing your PhD thesis related to Nepal or conducting research on topics concerning Nepali culture, people, and geography, VCD Nepal offers unique research opportunities for international researchers, university professors, graduates, post-graduates, and individuals. Our Nepal research program provides you with a local coordinator who will assist you in organizing and conducting your research. Our coordinators come from diverse backgrounds with extensive knowledge about the country, people, and culture, and we can arrange coordinators who speak multiple languages based on your preference.
The research opportunity is available year-round, with program durations ranging from 1 to 20 weeks.


Opportunity to learn Nepali culture and language
Depending on your research topic, the chance to travel across Nepal

Safety and support

Your well-being is our top priority. At VCD Nepal, we value the safety of our volunteers above all else. Our local coordinator and VCD team are dedicated to looking after you and ensuring that you stay safe, comfortable, and healthy throughout your time in Nepal. From the moment you arrive at the airport, our coordinator will be available to assist you with anything you may need. We provide a detailed orientation process as soon as you arrive in the country, ensuring that you are well-prepared for your volunteer experience.

Arrival Information

Upon your program start date, arrive at Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport (KTM). Look for a VCD Nepal coordinator holding a sign with your name, making it easy for you to spot them. They'll guide you to your accommodation, ensuring a smooth transition to your volunteer experience in Nepal.

Accommodation and meals

During your first few days in Kathmandu for orientation, you'll stay with a local host family or at a nearby guest house/hotel. The rooms are basic but comfortable, equipped with Western-style toilets, hot water, and free WiFi. Once your volunteer placement begins, you'll stay with local families in villages or cities, enjoying private rooms with basic furnishings. Meals, featuring Dal Bhat Tarkari, are served three times daily, with breakfast around 7 am, and lunch and dinner around 9 am and 7 pm, respectively.

In city areas, hosts provide amenities like Wi-Fi, western toilets, and hot showers. However, village hosting families may have limited facilities such as internet access, hot showers, or western toilets. Nonetheless, the village stay offers a unique, rustic experience. Participants can purchase bottled water or request filtered/boiled water.

Arrangements include staying with a local family, providing a private, basic-furnished room. Meals, featuring Dal Bhat Tarkari, are served three times a day. Urban areas offer Wi-Fi, western toilets, and hot showers, while rural settings may have limited internet access and varied facilities. For multi-city research, accommodations will be in guest houses or tea houses, aligning with your research locations for a comprehensive Nepal experience.

Upon Arrival Orientation

Upon arrival, you'll undergo orientation to familiarize yourself with daily life in Nepal. You'll spend a couple of days at a host family or local hotel, meeting fellow volunteers, and adjusting after your flight. You'll have the chance to try local food and get ready for your placement. During orientation, you'll receive:

Language lessons
Information about cultural and gender issues in Nepal
Details about your placement
Insights into teaching English in Nepal
Introduction to Nepalese cuisine
A Kathmandu city tour, including famous sites like Swayambhunath Stupa, Boudhanath Stupa, and Pashupatinath Temple.
This orientation ensures you're well-prepared to begin your volunteer work and immerse yourself in Nepali culture.

Dates and Fees:

The research program is available year-round, offering flexibility to accommodate your schedule. The fee for the program will be determined through mutual understanding, as it is a tailor-made and customized program. The fee amount is contingent on the specific services you require, such as accommodation in hotels or with local families, the mode of transportation (private or public), the need for a personal research guide, the locations you plan to visit, safety measures, and other necessary arrangements to ensure a safe and smooth trip. We work closely with you to create a personalized program that aligns with your preferences and needs.

Typical Day

In this personalized research program, your daily schedule is flexible. Typically starting around 7 am, you'll enjoy Nepali tea and light snacks, with the main meal served around 9:30 am. Research hours vary based on your topic and preferences. Free time can be spent helping your host family with daily tasks, offering an immersive experience in Nepali culture.


Age 18 and above (or under parental supervision if a minor)
Basic English proficiency
A criminal background check certificate is required
Travel insurance for your safety


Throughout Nepal


  • Airport transfers

  • Accommodation and meals
  • Public transport to and from the project
  • * Sightseeing in Kathmandu
  • Basic Nepali language and cultural orientation
  • 24/7 Emergency support
  • Program orientation
  • Personalized project
  • Certificate of completion
  • Fundraising ideas and letters


  • Visa
  • Flights
  • Travel insurance
  • Vaccinations
  • Personal expenses